
Trademark Trends in Delaware: A Glimpse into 2023's Popular Expressions

Trademark Trends in Delaware: A Glimpse into 2023's Popular Expressions Apr/08/2024

Delaware's trademark registrations in 2023 unveiled a unique tapestry of expressions, from "peacock" to "genie," reflecting the state's diverse business ecosystem. Among these, "Cigna," "Tyvek," "Dewey," "Diaper," and "Playtex" stood out, each narrating a story of Delaware's industrial heritage and community priorities.

In a year that saw Delaware's trademark registrations pivot towards expressions that encapsulate both local identity and sectoral growth, "Cigna" and "Tyvek" were not just words but emblems of the state's economic landscape. "Cigna," a giant in healthcare with deep roots in Wilmington, and "Tyvek," synonymous with DuPont's innovative legacy, underscored Delaware's strength in healthcare and material science. These trends were further highlighted by the popularity of terms such as "Dewey," reflecting the state's tourism and leisure sector, and "Diaper" and "Playtex," pointing towards a focus on family and consumer goods.

Comparing Delaware's trademark class distributions with national averages revealed distinct preferences. Delaware leaned more towards Science and Technology Services (Class 42) and Advertising and Business Services (Class 35), diverging from the U.S. average where Education and Entertainment Services (Class 41) took precedence. This deviation underscores Delaware's emphasis on innovation and commerce, setting it apart from broader national trends. The Wilmington area, in particular, emerged as a hub of trademark activity, echoing its status as a nexus for corporations and startups alike. These patterns not only highlight Delaware's unique industrial composition but also its role as a microcosm of American enterprise and creativity.