
Nike and Converse File Lawsuit Against 52 Counterfeit Networks

Nike and Converse File Lawsuit Against 52 Counterfeit Networks Jun/26/2024

Nike and Converse have filed a lawsuit against 52 alleged counterfeit networks, which collectively operate 98 websites and 267 social media handles, over the sale of counterfeit goods. According to documents filed with the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, these websites have either sold or are currently selling counterfeit products to U.S. shoppers. The majority of these networks are based in China, Malaysia, or other foreign countries, though their exact identities remain unknown. The lawsuit asserts that these counterfeit networks, which have no affiliation with Nike or Converse, are exploiting the brands' popularity by manufacturing and selling fake products labeled as "Nike" or "Converse." Nike identified thousands of counterfeit products through visual inspections and physical purchases. The company is seeking a court order to prevent the counterfeiters from using its trademarks, destroy the counterfeit goods and records, and demands all profits plus three times the amount in damages. This legal action follows Nike's ongoing efforts to combat counterfeiting, including past lawsuits and a pilot program with Amazon. The chart below shows the share of specific top-level domains (TLDs) selling counterfeit products by Nike and Converse.