
Google Unveils Next-Gen AI and CPU Technologies, Challenging Industry Giants

Google Unveils Next-Gen AI and CPU Technologies, Challenging Industry Giants Apr/17/2024

Google has introduced its latest AI technology, the Cloud TPU v5p, which significantly speeds up the training of large language models, performing nearly three times faster than its predecessor. This announcement, made during the annual Google Cloud Next conference in Las Vegas, marks a critical development in the tech giant’s ongoing competition with Nvidia, the leading supplier of AI chips. While Google continues to rely on Nvidia, evidenced by numerous mentions in their announcements and the use of Nvidia’s Blackwell chips in its AI Hypercomputer, it is also pushing forward with its own innovations. Additionally, Google introduced the Axion CPU, an Arm-based processor that promises up to 50% better performance and 60% more energy efficiency than current general-purpose Arm chips. This move positions Google as a direct competitor to Microsoft and Amazon, both of whom have developed their own Arm-based chips. The new Axion CPU is designed for seamless integration, allowing customers using Arm technology to easily transition without needing to redesign their applications, ensuring Google’s cloud services run on more efficient and powerful processors. Following chart shows leading semiconductor companies worldwide in 2024, by market capitalization (in billion U.S. dollars).