
Adidas's Trademark Opposition Against Hybrid Athletic Sciences

Adidas's Trademark Opposition Against Hybrid Athletic Sciences Feb/22/2024

On February 23, Adidas AG lodged a formal opposition in the United States against Hybrid Athletic Sciences concerning the latter's application for the 'V T' trademark. Adidas contends that this mark bears a confusing similarity to its own series of trademarks, notably characterized by the iconic three-stripe logo. The opposition is notably filed under class 25, a category encompassing a wide array of apparel including coats, dresses, footwear, headwear, and more—a domain where Adidas's product offerings are predominantly concentrated. This move by Adidas underscores the company's vigilance in safeguarding its brand identity and intellectual property, reflecting a strategic effort to maintain its distinguished position in the market against potentially infringing entities. This graphic showcases the similarities and differences between the iconic Adidas three-stripe logo and a disputed trademark featuring three stripes arranged in a horizontal formation.