
Taylor Swift's Intellectual Property Management Pursues Cybersquatting Cases

Taylor Swift's Intellectual Property Management Pursues Cybersquatting Cases May/06/2024

Taylor Swift's intellectual property entity, TAS Rights Management, LLC, has taken action against cybersquatters to protect her intellectual property. They recently won a case where a domain, <>, was ordered to be transferred to them. The domain, previously used to mirror Swift's official website and sell counterfeit merchandise, was found to have been registered in bad faith. Another case involving three domain names remains pending, with unauthorized jewelry sales at its core. The vigilant defense by TAS Rights Management underlines their commitment to protecting Swift's brand, emphasizing the lengths they will go to secure her intellectual property.

TAS Rights Management, LLC, which oversees Taylor Swift’s intellectual property, has ramped up efforts against cybersquatters infringing on her brand. In a recent decision, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) ruled in favor of TAS Rights Management, ordering the transfer of the domain <> to the company. This domain, registered by a man from Pakistan, mirrored the official Taylor Swift website, offering counterfeit merchandise. The panel found that the domain name was intentionally used to mislead visitors, thereby violating Swift's trademark rights.

Another case, still pending, involves three domains—,, and—which had been used to sell unauthorized jewelry. Though they no longer resolve to any website, their previous use in infringing activities has prompted swift action by Swift's legal team. This marks the first time TAS Rights Management has used the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) to pursue domain names, showcasing their proactive measures in protecting Swift’s intellectual property.