Victoria’s Secret Challenges Trademarks Over Brand Similarity

On January 22, Victoria’s Secret filed an opposition against Brand of Eyecons’ trademarks, including 'IT’S GIVING PIN', 'IN PINK WE TRUST', 'PINK IS SERVED', and 'ASPIRE PINK', citing their resemblance to its established 'PINK' and 'VICTORIA’S SECRET PINK' brands. The disputed trademarks encompass a wide range of products, including activewear, yoga pants, shirts, bras, and online retail services featuring beauty, lifestyle, and wellness products. Victoria’s Secret, founded in 1977, has cultivated a strong identity appealing primarily to Gen X and high-income consumers, with 86% of its customers displaying brand loyalty and 41% enthusiastic about fashion in online shops. The following visualisation provides detailed information on the opposed trademarks, illustrating the breadth of the contested applications and their potential overlap with Victoria’s Secret’s iconic branding.