
Google’s Trademark Filing: Adapting to a New Era of Local Search

Google’s Trademark Filing: Adapting to a New Era of Local Search Oct/19/2024

In a noteworthy development on October 14, Google LLC filed a figurative trademark application that could reshape the landscape of local search. The application encompasses a range of services, including providing searchable platforms for goods, comparison shopping, and advertising via various digital channels. This initiative appears to be a strategic response to a decline in Google Search’s popularity among younger users, particularly those aged 18 to 24.

Recent data reveals that a significant 67% of this demographic now favors Instagram as their go-to local tool, followed closely by TikTok at 62%. Meanwhile, Google Search holds a respectable yet diminished third place at 61%. These findings underscore a growing trend: Generation Z is increasingly turning to social media for local discovery and search, challenging Google’s historical dominance in the space. A visualization accompanying this article provides detailed information about the new Google figurative trademark, highlighting its potential impact.

Google’s trademark application signals a recognition of these changing consumer behaviors. While the tech giant continues to lead in overall search functionality for older demographics, younger consumers are charting a new course. Usage of social media for local searches has surged among the under-24 age group, suggesting a paradigm shift in how businesses must approach marketing and visibility. A chart included in our analysis illustrates the usage of local apps across different age groups, showcasing the platform preferences that are reshaping the landscape. As businesses strive to remain relevant, they must understand that a one-size-fits-all approach no longer suffices. Instead, a dual strategy that encompasses both search engines and social platforms is essential for reaching diverse age groups effectively. The clear takeaway is that as social media solidifies its position as the preferred avenue for local discovery among younger users, companies will need to adapt their strategies accordingly.